Howdy and hello, folks; my name is Christian Sasser, but you can call me MH4. I'm a Christian, a hobbyist video/music producer, and a third thing. If you’d like to collab on a project, feel free to ask!

Christian Sasser @MasterHand4444

Age 21, Male

Youth Group Intern

College Graduate

Louisiana, USA

Joined on 4/9/21

Exp Points:
12,876 / 13,600
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.59 votes
Audio Scouts
Police Officer
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
2y 1m 21d

MasterHand4444's News

Posted by MasterHand4444 - 4 days ago

I’ve been having a very good day today!! Great day at work, got my Darnell shirt in today, been working on the Christmas in July banner (finally using my drawing tablet, thank you again Tom) while listening to a PhantomArcade stream vod, about to go eat supper with an old friend.


Tell me about your day though!! What’s good with y’all :0



Posted by MasterHand4444 - 2 weeks ago

Hey fellas, I wanted to ask if there’s anyone you’d like to see do a Frontpage Blog interview in the future! Leave any suggestions you might have here and I’ll think about reaching out to them. Thank you! :D



Posted by MasterHand4444 - 1 month ago

July 1st 2024

Check these songs out while you read:

Read previous blogs via the FP Blog Directory:


Da Intro

Howdy and hello, folks, and welcome to the thirteenth monthly blog post. That’s over a whole year’s worth of blog posts. Woag…I definitely didn’t forget to mention that last month so don’t bother checking, please. Let's get on with it!

Just as a disclaimer: I’ll only be showcasing submissions rated E or rated T. I have the M and A ratings turned off for my account, so if a user I showcase here has submissions with those ratings on their account, I may not know about it. Viewer discretion is advised and all that!

Da Recap

This segment is where I’ll be talking about cool stuff that happened in the past month here on Newgrounds!

Check out the best of May here, if you haven't already!


If you got logged out of your account last month, Tom and the team figured out why!


Some other events / deadlines going on this month:

It’s TOO LATE to join Christmas in July - WOMP WOMP!!! YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE!!! Be on the lookout for that full collab dropping July 25th, and look forward to next year’s inJULY Productions collab!

Be sure to keep an eye on the Newgrounds Calendar for future events!


Da Works

“Da Works” will be me going over three works from this month that especially stood out to me here on NG. It may be popular stuff that I want to celebrate even more, or it may be more lesser known things that I think need a bit more love. Who knows! Anyways, here’s da works for this month.

Da first work from last month is “Darnell” by @greenman321321! I really love the colors, linework, and composition of this piece. I also love the chunkiness of everything here; the hoodie strings looking like AUX cables is a neat (and probably unintentional lol) callback to Darnell's audio portal roots. Really good piece!

Da second is "They Pull Away" by @TheBestBroster, a very subtle but effective piece. I don't have a lot to say about the piece, but it does stand out to me as being particularly striking due to its texturing and the subtlety of the woman's expression. Good stuff.

Da third and final work is “Stranded” by @vertii, which is an incredibly charming piece. The car itself is wonderfully rendered, but I also enjoyed the minimalistic background style and the depiction of BF - the extra hair details, as well as the bored/contemplative expression we rarely see the character displaying. Really solid stuff all around!

Da Spotlight

This segment is meant to celebrate the cool users on the site who I just think are plain awesome.

Da first spotlight goes to @GrapheneKid, a musician who’s also working on game development (as seen in Da News)! I honestly don't have a great deal to say about GrapheneKid's style - I just think he's underrated and I enjoy his music. Go check out his tracks! NOW!!

Da second spotlight belongs to @SkittleWaffle, an excellent chiptune musician! The kind of chiptune that doesn't 100% follow old-school limitations but benefits from that freedom with a rich, vibrant sound. Go check out his tracks for some NES-adjacent jams!

Da News

It’s time for da news! Here I’ll share some exciting or interesting news posts from around Newgrounds.

@creepincrawl is having a surgery on the 5th to improve his quality of life. If you can afford it, consider assisting creepincrawl with a Ko-Fi donation.


@Aalasteir has interviewed over 60 NG users over the past few months (including a sarcastically answered interview from yours truly) - be sure to catch up on them to get some insights into the general NG public!


@ZaneLittle has reached 1,000 NG fans. Congrats!


@GrapheneKid shared some alpha footage from his game!


@BoMToons shared a recap of the past few months in his life!


For more comprehensive, weekly news on what’s going on in the NG community, please follow @TheTankTribune!

Da Mail

This segment allows you to share your voice personally here on the Frontpage Blog. Whether it’s shower thoughts, self-promotion, questions for me, something you think I should feature, or literally anything else - as long as it’s SFW I might feature it here! Simply PM me with the subject line “FP Blog Mail” to send your message.

I reserve the right to refuse to feature any message. Messages with profanity will be censored. Abusive messages will be reported to site administration.

Seems like the mailbox is empty this month…

Da People

This is a segment where I send some interview questions to a cool NG user and showcase their answers!

This month, I interviewed @SamaadBae5, who I've featured a lot on this blog lol. Mahdi (as he goes by on other platforms) is an FNF fan through and through, and I find him to be the perfect example of an FNF fan that's in touch with Newgrounds culture. He's also an excellent musician in his own right outside of FNF!

Content warning: This interview contains uncensored profanity. Viewer discretion is advised. Interviews are presented as-received with no edits unless otherwise specified. Some links have been added to mentions of media.

What are the main inspirations you draw from in your work?

I think the biggest one is obviously Kawaisprite. But also, there are people in the fnf modding scene like Greggreg who really scratch a specific part of my brain when it comes to music.

How did you discover Newgrounds?

As a child, I watched my favorite animators' on YouTube and then went here to watch the uncensored versions of the popular cartoons.

What’s your favorite thing you’ve submitted to Newgrounds?

This has probably been the hardest to answer. I don't ever really look at my stuff and say "Yeah, this kicks ass...", at least not for too long. Once I finish something I like, I replay it a few times and begin working on the next thing. But I think my favorite things on my account are things where I collaborated with people. Whether It be IguanaSuchas helping voice Pump for my South remix or being a part of an entire collab, the idea that it's not only me resonates a lot with me and how I view this site lol!

What’s your favorite color?

 like them all, but I think I gravitate towards darker and colder colors for some reason...

What’s your LEAST favorite color?

Not specifically a color, but I HATE gradients with 2 colors that don't mix! You'd see it all the time in Flash games! I think they did it to emulate shading, but WHAT KINDA SUN DO YOU KNOW IS IN FRONT OF YOUR FUCKING FACE??


all jokes ofc lol

Give a shoutout to one Newgrounds user!

If it had to anyone, it's gotta be the tried and true @IguanaSuchas! He was one of the first guys on here who I made a genuine connection with and I don't know if I'd be collaborating with so many people if it weren't for him after he did a fanart of one of my characters.


What’s your message to the NG community?

Make shit.

Take genuine criticism to heart.

Suck penis.


I'm outta here! And thanks for asking me MasterHand!!

Da Rest

June was a pretty good month for me with some highs and some lows, but overall enjoyable. I'm writing a lot of this blog last minute because of how busy I've been lol...

July is gonna be spent grinding away at the Christmas in July collab. Still a lot of work to be done over the next 24 days to make sure it comes together! Wish me luck rofl

Also - for any interested musicians, I’m hosting my first ever music competition! Be sure to check out the details:




Posted by MasterHand4444 - June 18th, 2024

Hey everyone, just wanted to give an update on the projects I’m currently working on!

First and foremost is Christmas in July ‘24. It’s coming along nicely! Be sure to sign up before sign-ups close in a few days!

Second, I’ve been working on my second EP - a very, very special one that’ll be a gift for someone. I’ve already spent $100 on its production lol…that will launch in September!

Third, I’ve recently started on my THIRD album / EP project, which will consist of reimagined songs I made up as a kid / teenager. No ETA on it yet.

Fourth, I’m composing another game mod OST - not FNF this time, though! That’ll be out when it’s out, lol.

Lastly (that I feel like sharing here), I’ve got a small but fun music competition idea planned for next month - with a comedically small amount of money on the line! Keep your eyes peeled for that!

Thank you everyone for all of your support - I’m incredibly grateful for folks who listen to my music!



Posted by MasterHand4444 - June 16th, 2024

Hey y’all, there’s only eleven more days left to sign up for Christmas in July this year! We have slots open for more musicians, and we need artists to help with the banner! We are also looking for a handful more background voice actors.

For details, check out this post:



Posted by MasterHand4444 - June 1st, 2024

June 1st 2024

Check these songs out while you read:

Read previous blogs via the FP Blog Directory:


Da Intro

Howdy and hello, folks, and welcome to the eleventh monthly blog post. Eleven!! That’s crazy!!

Last month I didn't pay super close attention to everything that went on here in NG, but I still found some awesome stuff to share with y'all. Please enjoy this month's blog :)

Just as a disclaimer: I’ll only be showcasing submissions rated E or rated T. I have the M and A ratings turned off for my account, so if a user I showcase here has submissions with those ratings on their account, I may not know about it. Viewer discretion is advised and all that!

Da Recap

This segment is where I’ll be talking about cool stuff that happened in the past month here on Newgrounds!

Pico Day was last month - check out some submissions!


Check out the Pico Day winners as well!


@ScepterDPinoy is hosting an Arcade Pixel Art Mockup Zone Collab! The deadline is in five days so hurry up and join!!


@TerminalRepo is hosting the Newgrounds Deltarune Collab!


Wanted to give a special shoutout to the Halloween in May collab, which was started in the NGAP Collab Center Discord and was inspired by (iirc) the Christmas in July collab. It's an honor!!

It’s not too late to join Christmas in July - but it will be soon!!! PLEASE JOIN MY COLLAB FOR MUSICIANS, ARTISTS, AND VOICE ACTORS!!!


Be sure to keep an eye on the Newgrounds Calendar for future events!


Da Works

“Da Works” will be me going over three works from this month that especially stood out to me here on NG. It may be popular stuff that I want to celebrate even more, or it may be more lesser known things that I think need a bit more love. Who knows! Anyways, here’s da works for this month.

Da first work from last month is “2 Kitties” by @DicesNSlices! I really enjoy these designs for these two characters - this art just feels very cute and sweet to me, and I think the idea was very well executed. That’s all I have to say LOL

Da second is “rudebustrr” by @TheReq, which is a Rude Buster remix that is sexy in its simplicity. The instrument choices and the decision to not go overboard with the remix works a lot in its favor, and I think this is an instance where not remixing the entire song works in a track’s favor. Seriously fantastic interpretation of such an iconic track.

Da third and final work is “NG Dublin Meetup 2024 / 12 / A200” by @Aalasteir! This is a very fun and energetic recap of Aalasteir’s experience in Ireland at the Dublin Pico Day meet! Give it a listen if you can; it’s a short podcast but an informative and interesting one!

Da Spotlight

This segment is meant to celebrate the cool users on the site who I just think are plain awesome.

Da first spotlight goes to @mihar34! mihar34 is an artist who typically draws multimedia fanart of characters from FNF, MLP, Madness, and more. His style is saturated with rich and fun colors, and the way he draws characters makes you acutely aware of the shapes each character consists of in a way that I can’t fully describe - it’s such a cool style, let me know if you see it too after you check out mihar34’s full gallery!

Da second spotlight belongs to @DaThugWizard, who has mastered PhantomArcade’s art style in all of its charming glory while still injecting a great deal of personality. Def peep his X / Twitter to check out his original (currently in early development) game inspired by FNF called Underground Rapper!

Da News

It’s time for da news! Here I’ll share some exciting or interesting news posts from around Newgrounds.

Plenty of users had Pico Day stories! Check out a handful of them here:

@ChazDude https://chazdude.newgrounds.com/news/post/1445402

@Droid https://droid.newgrounds.com/news/post/1445455

@Dungeonation https://dungeonation.newgrounds.com/news/post/1445484

@Tritnew’s birthday was in early May. Happy really late birthday!


@MettaSeven is bringing a Jet Set Radio-themed music collab to NG!


For more comprehensive, weekly news on what’s going on in the NG community, please follow @TheTankTribune!

Da Mail

This segment allows you to share your voice personally here on the Frontpage Blog. Whether it’s shower thoughts, self-promotion, questions for me, something you think I should feature, or literally anything else - as long as it’s SFW I might feature it here! Simply PM me with the subject line “FP Blog Mail” to send your message.

I reserve the right to refuse to feature any message. Messages with profanity will be censored. Abusive messages will be reported to site administration.

Seems like the mailbox is empty this month…

Da People

This is a segment where I send some interview questions to a cool NG user and showcase their answers!

This month, I interviewed @binejyeah, who you may know for their titular "binej yeah" / "Mouthman" character, as well as their short cartoons featuring the character. I hope you enjoy this interview!

Content warning: This interview contains uncensored profanity. Viewer discretion is advised. Interviews are presented as-received with no edits unless otherwise specified. Some links have been added to mentions of media.

What are the main inspirations you draw from in your work?

it's mostly artists i like, 2000s edgy "grafitti" type stuff, adult swim shit (particularly athf), a little bit of cruelty squad and the like and currently nu metal type shit like limp bizkit in terms of vibe and whatnot

How did you discover Newgrounds?

when i was like 8 years old i used to be super obsessed with dad n me despite never being able to get past the first opponent and i think that's sorta where i discovered the site i don't really remember all i know is that i discovered it at a very young age but never actively used it until 2021

What’s your favorite thing you’ve submitted to Newgrounds?

i guess my animations idk (more to come :-) )

What’s your favorite color?

green and purple

What’s your LEAST favorite color?

There are No Colors that I Hate... I like All of them...

Give a shoutout to one Newgrounds user!

@sum41fan02, huge fan of this guy's art

What’s your message to the NG community?

eat your 3 meals a day breakfast lunch and dinner and don't do things that will harm or even kill you :-)

Da Rest

May has been slow but good! After graduating, I’ve just been keeping my head down and working, both at my Real Job [TM] and on my projects. Been doing a lot of fun music stuff, both deliberately and spontaneously. Still need to start learning how to draw…

My Pico Day track is one of my favorite things I’ve put out in recent memory; go check it out if you haven’t yet!

Also - for any interested musicians (as well as a few artists and voice actors), please remember to sign up for the Christmas in July Collab Album ‘24! Applications are open until June 27th but are first come, first serve - sign up today!




Posted by MasterHand4444 - May 1st, 2024

Yesterday, I finished my last college class and got my grades finalized. I graduate on Saturday. (The FNF update was a great grad present, let me tell you!)

Next week, to celebrate this chapter of my life closing, I will be posting a 5 song EP called "Loose Ends" containing two old songs and three new ones to Newgrounds and Bandcamp. I hope you enjoy it.

I'm also working on a good few collabs, including Christmas in July (which you can join!), a song for Pico Day featuring four other musicians, and multiple other projects that will keep me busy creatively.

Frontpage blogs will resume on June 1st. Thank you for your patience.

That's all! I hope you're having a great year so far.



Posted by MasterHand4444 - April 15th, 2024

Hello vro…

Would like to announce that May will not have a frontpage blog. I graduate college very soon and ya boy’s gotta LOCK THE HECK IN!!!!! So I won’t have much time to get any creative stuff done, unfortunately…

However once summer starts we gonna get crazy. Christmas in July collab will hopefully pop off (musicians and artists and voice actors please join), and I’ve got a few other things rattling around on both my brain and my hard drive that are just itching to be put out into the world…like this! Take the third song from VS. 9090 as a consolation ;P

So! With that said, thanks for your support and readership. Writing FP blogs for y’all is a treat and I love being able to further engage with the wider NG community. It’s no secret that NG has helped carry me through college, giving me a creative outlet unlike any I’ve had before. I’m very thankful for this site, these people, and this warm reception to my ideas and thoughts.

So I’ll see you guys in June with another FP blog! Remember to join Christmas in July — let’s make this the biggest NG audio collab of the summer!

(BTW if any of you would like to be featured in the interview section of the blog, let me know!!!)

(BTW also, I’m trying to brainstorm ideas to help next year’s collab album stand out from the previous ones…I’m open to suggestions, including ones that have nothing to do with Christmas!)




Posted by MasterHand4444 - April 1st, 2024

April 1st 2024

Check these songs out while you read:

Read previous blogs via the FP Blog Directory:


Da Intro

Howdy and hello, folks, and welcome to the eleventh monthly blog post. Eleven!! That’s crazy!!

March was yet another good month for NG, so let's check out some stuff that happened you know the drill by this point!

Just as a disclaimer: I’ll only be showcasing submissions rated E or rated T. I have the M and A ratings turned off for my account, so if a user I showcase here has submissions with those ratings on their account, I may not know about it. Viewer discretion is advised and all that!

Da Recap

This segment is where I’ll be talking about cool stuff that happened in the past month here on Newgrounds!

If you haven’t yet, peep the Best of February!


Back in February, @CarterSterling started “Newgrounds NXT,” a group for aspiring animators under 1k NG fans. Check it out if you’re interested in joining!


There’ve been quite a few smaller site changes — including the ability to report submissions that have been primarily generated by AI!


Check out Tom’s post-PAX post for some cool convention highlights in the replies!


I know most of you lame-o’s out there don’t listen to NG voice acting submissions so y’all better peep the Storytime Collab hosted by @JAMRIOT and @AhWham - or else!!!

Be sure to keep an eye on the Newgrounds Calendar for future events!


Da Works

“Da Works” will be me going over three works from this month that especially stood out to me here on NG. It may be popular stuff that I want to celebrate even more, or it may be more lesser known things that I think need a bit more love. Who knows! Anyways, here’s da works for this month.

Da first work from last month is "Aderlass" by @yCarl0! This piece speaks for itself entirely - my words won't do it justice. What a beautiful piece.

Da second is "AhWham / 25 / A100" by @Aalasteir, featuring @AhWham! This podcast episode is a brilliant look into the mind and philosophy of one of NG's hardest working collab organizers, directed masterfully by Aalasteir into a funny, heartwarming, and intellectually stimulating conversation. PLEASE give it a listen!

Da third and final work is "Crossette" by @sparkymessi, recommended to me by @xanxoepico! This track is incredibly fun and energetic, and just puts me in a great mood. The driving bass, vocal samples, and drum breaks all compliment each other nicely in a lovely piece that doesn't overstay its welcome. A great tune overall!

Da Spotlight

This segment is meant to celebrate the cool users on the site who I just think are plain awesome.

Da first spotlight goes to @shroeshrock! shroeshrock has a style consisting of rough linework and rounded shapes, giving his work a grungy but approachable feeling. Featuring a great deal of fandom-related artwork, shroeshrock brings new life to already beloved characters with loose yet clearly definable design work, showing an understanding of anatomy - and how to properly distort it to great effect. Go check out his gallery!

Da second spotlight belongs to @tom-atom, recommended to me by @SamaadBae5! tom-atom is a composer who does a lot of VGM work and whose music is very reminiscent of tracks from an era I’m sure many of you reading are nostalgic for. The jazz influence is laid on thick with tom-atom’s tracks, with a plethora of progressions, percussion patterns, and groovy basslines that scratch my brain in just the right way. Seriously go check out their work!

Da News

It’s time for da news! Here I’ll share some exciting or interesting news posts from around Newgrounds.

@fe3l1ngsk1lledd has a very important PSA for everyone.


@Bleak-Creep shared her twelfth round of underrated artist recommendations!


@Zanzlanz hit 2k NG fans and reflected on what Newgrounds means to him. Congrats on the amazing milestone!


@wonkypaws celebrated their 2 year anniversary on Newgrounds!


For more comprehensive, weekly news on what’s going on in the NG community, please follow @TheTankTribune!

Da Mail

This segment allows you to share your voice personally here on the Frontpage Blog. Whether it’s shower thoughts, self-promotion, questions for me, something you think I should feature, or literally anything else - as long as it’s SFW I might feature it here! Simply PM me with the subject line “FP Blog Mail” to send your message.

I reserve the right to refuse to feature any message. Messages with profanity will be censored. Abusive messages will be reported to site administration.

Seems like the mailbox is empty this month…

Da People

This is a segment where I send some interview questions to a cool NG user and showcase their answers!

This month, I interviewed @Ditchu, a pixel artist and pixel animator most well known for his DELTARUNE fan creations! With an incredibly detailed and distinct style, Ditchu is absolutely a modern NG artist icon in my eyes. I hope you enjoy this interview!

Interviews are presented as-received with no edits unless otherwise specified.

What are the main inspirations you draw from in your work?

When I first started doing pixel art, I can definitely say that one of my biggest inspirations was Temmie Chang, her work on UNDERTALE at the time really solidified a presence in my mind that I can't really forget. But throughout the years, I've been sort of * absorbing * quite a lot of inspirations when developing my own art style.

MoawlingAshley NicholsSAINTTUFA, and ceno0 are ones that come to mind, but there are many others for sure-- I would say that I've been trying to lean on making my pixel art break the conventional way that pixel art is usually drawn (like the classic 8-bit and 16-bit), so the viewer has a "HOW IS THIS IN PIXEL ART!" surreal feeling.

How did you discover Newgrounds?

When I was a kid actually-- but *because of my mom catching me watching Madness Combat I was blocked from ever using it again--*. I only remembered it existed once FNF got popularized, and my mind raced to that ancient childhood memory and I realized I can finally see what I've been missing. And honestly, *I did miss quite a lot*. The wonderful, almost immediate positive response from the Newgrounds community to my art really made me feel welcomed tho, and now as I use it more and more, it feels like this is one of the best places for an artist to be in.

What’s your favorite thing you’ve submitted to Newgrounds?

Everyone believes that it would be my countless DR: Minis, where I make a crossover between a game that I like, with DELTARUNE-- but the things I enjoy more are my animations, like Distant-ssaura and UNDERTALE's Intro Remade.

They are so fun to make, write and produce, *if they weren't such troublemakers to do I would have made a thosaund more by now--*. If we are talking souly about which art of mine is my favorite, that would definitely go to Death Bun-ttle | Empowered-- One of my best work ever!

What’s your favorite color?

Now, look at me. *Isn't it obvious that it is pink*

What’s your LEAST favorite color?


*I don't know what it is, but I can't wrap my brain around it, how do I use it properly*

Give a shoutout to one Newgrounds user!

So many to choose-- but from my mind right now, I would say @Notakin. Their work with Fighting Games styled pixel art is fantastic, and it's something not many people can make it right like they can--!

What’s your message to the NG community?

Never stop doing what you think it's fun!-- Whatever you make, rather being art, music or writing, make it because you love what you are doing. For the longest time, I've been focusing too much on the numbers and algorithms that the world pushes down on everyone, but once I realized how that impacted my enjoyment of drawing and making art, I switched into focusing on just making what I find fun. If I can make myself laugh or feel happy from my own drawing, then that's enough for me, and I think you should think like that too.

Da Rest

March was a rather interesting month for me. I finally wrapped up the music for the FNF mod I’ve been working on for a while - plus made a few unrelated Funkin’ tracks - I’ve just been very funk-pilled recently in case y’all couldn’t tell. Also had some highs and lows in my personal life, but it’s all chill homie. Entering my final month of undergrad - it cannot be over with fast enough LOL.

I'm excited for what April has in store! I hope y'all liked my April Fools thing ;P

That’s it for this month’s frontpage blog! Thank you very much for reading.

Also -

for any interested musicians (as well as a few artists and voice actors), please remember to sign up for the Christmas in July Collab Album ‘24! Applications are open until June 27th but are first come, first serve - sign up today!




Posted by MasterHand4444 - March 19th, 2024

I'm working on April's FP blog and realizing I haven't had much time to listen to NG music this month...if anyone is so inclined, please share with me your favorite music posted to Newgrounds from March 2024!

(Or art, or games, or movies, or users you find cool; anything would help...but mostly music please!)

Please and thank you!! See y'all in the next blog ;P
