
45 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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There's a few good ideas here; the little chime flourishes, for example, were well timed and added a bit of flair to the piece.

However, I think overall the song felt empty and unstructured. A few notes felt out of place and didn't really match up with the key of the song. Additionally, while I see the idea here, it doesn't really feel like the song has any specific identity or direction.

Keep practicing; you'll get better with time! It's awesome that you're practicing music and trying something new. Keep going!!

Sony-Shock responds:

Taking notes so I can look into how to improve that specifically.

Specially the structure and idea, ngl, I try to, but so far I just end fixing things until they sounds slightly less like noise, haha!

I think there’s the bones of a good idea here, but it needs some work. The notes are a bit out of tune with each other, and the drum track is uninteresting. I also think adding another instrument over the bassline would’ve helped it.

Again, I can see a good idea here, but the song itself just doesn’t live up to it. Keep going; practice makes perfect!

YazzyBlubber responds:

Thank you so much!! i'm still very new to music and mainly focus on developing but i'll try to better myself. Thanks for the comment!

hooooly crap dude. idk what i can even say about this!!

Only thing I can think to say is that the snare compliments the sound perfectly. Otherwise this just has my flabbers gasted, bro. Excellent job.

slowfreq responds:

Thanks!! I love how the snare snaps.

Really nice; I like that it doesn't try to do anything crazy and keeps it short but simple. Sounds like I'm sneaking around a creepy sewer or an evil organization's hideout. Awesome job!

Viraxor responds:

Thanks, that's kind of the style I was going for.

This track isn't as memorable as some of your other tracks, but I don't really think that was the point. It fits the energy of the game nicely, and has your instantly recognizable trademark sound to it (which is always a good thing). Overall a really good track that accomplishes its purpose quite well.

ConnorGrail responds:

Right you are, I set out more to make a high energy racing song rather than a super catchy bop this time around. Im glad you enjoyed its place in the game!

Howdy and hello, folks; my name is Christian Sasser, but you can call me MH4. I'm a Christian, a hobbyist video/music producer, and a third thing. If you’d like to collab on a project, feel free to ask!

Christian Sasser @MasterHand4444

Age 22, Male

Youth Group Intern

College Graduate

Louisiana, USA

Joined on 4/9/21

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