
94 Audio Reviews

45 w/ Responses

I'm in love with how funky this is! Great underlying melody that repeats very nicely, and really good instrumentation (reminds me of a more dance-infused Mutant Mudds song, if that makes sense). Great stuff; can't wait to hear the rest of the OST on Pixel Day!

hooooly crap dude. idk what i can even say about this!!

Only thing I can think to say is that the snare compliments the sound perfectly. Otherwise this just has my flabbers gasted, bro. Excellent job.

slowfreq responds:

Thanks!! I love how the snare snaps.

Really trippy, great to zone out to, as you pointed out in your description (hope you're doing okay btw). I had it on while writing out the song description for my own submission today and it really helped me get into the zone and gather my thoughts, while also grabbing my attention. From a thematic standpoint, the song reminds me of the ocean - I think you describing it as "oppressive" is accurate, but at the same time it feels calm. Really cool stuff.

Really liked this tune; the extra fill towards the end sealed the deal for me. I can imagine this playing during some sort of early-game boss fight. I do think the melody could've been a bit stronger, but overall I had funnn (lol) listening to this!

Really nice; I like that it doesn't try to do anything crazy and keeps it short but simple. Sounds like I'm sneaking around a creepy sewer or an evil organization's hideout. Awesome job!

Viraxor responds:

Thanks, that's kind of the style I was going for.

Take a shot every time the record label guy says "different" or "innovative" (your liver will explode)

Another instant Vurbank classic. I love how catchy your melodies are, and the vocal samples you use feel very deliberate and well timed. Awesome job once again.

Absolutely love how funky this feels. It’s a very simple idea that was executed near flawlessly. Yall did a great job!

You know it's a Kawai Sprite song when you see those giant blocks on the waveform lol.

Really enjoyed this one; the vocals were really well implemented, and as usual the melody is super catchy.

Howdy and hello, folks; my name is Christian Sasser, but you can call me MH4. I'm a Christian, a hobbyist video/music producer, and a third thing. If you’d like to collab on a project, feel free to ask!

Christian Sasser @MasterHand4444

Age 22, Male

Youth Group Intern

College Graduate

Louisiana, USA

Joined on 4/9/21

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